各位玩競賽的玩家有福了,以後要看各大比賽不用再到處找demo,只要上Teamfortress TV就可以觀看線上轉播。這可是結合了TF2.tv,MyGamingEdge,eXtelevision,Gamestah等等線上轉播的總站,目前才剛設定完成,主要只有北美的ESEA,預計過一陣子更大的歐洲ETF2L聯盟還有紐澳Ozfortress會陸陸續續跟進,也許亞洲Asiafortress也有人會放轉播上來。
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TeamFortressTV
轉播的工具可以上 http://www.justin.tv/
原文: By Enigma
I've created a site @ http://www.teamfortress.tv/ that aggregates and updates competitive TF2 twitch.tv streams from both players and casters. The site came about in response to two questions I've frequently asked myself as both a spectator and streamer of this game:
1) Where and when can I watch casts for this game?2) How do I promote my stream?
2) How do I promote my stream?
As a spectator, I grew frustrated of frequently checking the sites of different casting entities for upcoming cast details only to later wait for the stream to begin on some obscure, ad-cluttered twitch.tv page. This site in conjunction with steam group announcements will hopefully remove these complications.
On the aspect of promotion, this site makes a lot of sense. Why waste effort promoting each stream individually when spreading the name of simple, meaningful URL benefits all parties involved? The more traffic the site receives, the more viewers every stream receives. This also significantly lowers the barrier of entry for any new streamers.
The site itself is hopefully easy enough to use. The status of every stream is updated once per minute (even while you're watching) and the list is sorted according to viewer count. If multiple streams are live at the same time, clicking on one of them will embed it into the main window along with the initially hidden chat on the sidebar. A toggle for the chat linked to the currently playing stream and a button to register for it is located at the bottom of the stream player.
Want to help?
Join the steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TeamFortressTV
Invite your friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l7eR2ViyYM
Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/TeamFortressTV
Most importantly, if you're a regular streamer, PLEASE post a comment on the steam group page and I'll get in touch with you ASAP. The success of the site depends heavily on the frequency and quality of content.
Also, if you didn't know already, an excellent ESEA-I week 2 match on cp_warmfront between Quantic Gaming (former eMg) and The Experiment is set to take place tonight at 11:30 EST and will be casted by Salamancer and Trekkie on eXtelevision.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and feel free to leave any feedback or criticism!
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